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  • Information Source

Contact Information

ESCS has your solutions in hand Electronic Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. sponsors CombatCounterfeits.com as a service to manufacturers and distributors in the electronic component supply chain.

We welcome and encourage comments or suggestions on site content to help maintain CombatCounterfeits.com as a relevant and timely information source for the industry.

ESCS also offers a comprehensive range of consultative services to help aerospace and military manufacturers combat counterfeits.  Whether you simply have a question, or would like collaborative assistance in developing your company's risk mitigation strategy, we're pleased to offer our assistance.  Just give us a call.

Comments or Suggestions
Please email your comments or suggestions to info@combatcounterfeits.com

Consultative Services for Manufacturers
Give us a call to speak with our president, Matthew Heaphy III, or any one of our qualified staff.  All of us at ESCS stand ready to assist you.

Electronic Supply Chain Solutions, Inc.
3023 Eastland Bldv., Bldg H-109
Clearwater, FL 33761
Phone: (727) 723-8255 / Fax: (727) 723-9246