This is one in an occassional series of "Infomins" provided by Electronic Supply Chain
Solutions. Infomins are easily digestible bits of information useful for electronic component
procurement professionals.
For more ESCS Infomins, visit the
ESCS Information Source.
If you source JANTX parts
, you know delivery can be as long as 84 weeks or more through your franchise distributor for parts with
limited availability, leaving you subject to the perils of the broker market for an earlier
No one can be expected to know what manufacturers were QPL'd for a device on a given date
code. One way to combat counterfeits is to do the QPL drill-down to ensure a part quoted
to you is authentic, before you issue a P.O. Some may find it extremely difficult to navigate
the DSCC maze to confirm the information provided by a broker; but it can be done quite easily.
Try the following example to see how you can quickly confirm a valid manufacturer and date code:
Assume you have a broker who has quoted a 2N6798 DC0314 from Harris Semiconductor.
Step #1: Go to ESCS's Click-N-Go Launch Pad at
Step #2: Click on the "DSCC" link at 12 O-Clock.
Step #3: Click the "QPL-QML" link in the lower-left corner of the DSCC Dashboard:
You have now accessed the DSCC Qualifications Listing:
Step #4: Scroll down and click on the link to MIL-PRF-19500 for 5961 Semiconductor Devices:
Step #5: You're now at the MIL-PRF-19500 Qualification Information page.
Since the quoted date code was "0314", scroll down to the revision document applicable
for that date, and click the link:
Step #6: You're done! You've reached the data you need. Scroll down
to your part #, 2N6798.
In less than 60-seconds, you've confirmed that the "Harris Semiconductor" part offered can't
be authentic...
since only International Rectifier was QPL'd for that date code!
P.S.: If you click on the QPL-19500-137 for Sep '96, you will find that Siliconix, Harris and IR
were all once QPL'd for this device - but not for DC0413.
Did you find this information useful? We'd like to know! Call ESCS with a requirement
at (727) 723-8255, ext. 105 to speak with Ken Rogers, your Military Solution Provider.
We hope you enjoyed taking this ESCS Infomin! To learn more about ESCS Infomins,
click here.
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